The Jefferson Dad Vail Regatta is now hosting the National Open Collegiate Sculling Championships!
Friday May 9 - Saturday May 10
The 2025 Jefferson
Dad Vail Regatta
The 2025 Jefferson Dad Vail Regatta will be staged on the Cooper River, in Pennsauken, New Jersey on Friday, May 9 and Saturday May 10, 2025.
The Dad Vail Regatta Organizing Committee changed racing venues to ensure all competitors are afforded a safe and fair racing opportunity during Schuylkill River dredging at the National Racecourse site.
The 2023 Jefferson Dad Vail Regatta Affiliate Program Registration is open.
2025 Official Race Course

Official Partners
Jefferson serves as Title Sponsor for the Jefferson Dad Vail Regatta. Thomas Jefferson University is a leader in transdisciplinary, professional education. Jefferson, home of the Sidney Kimmel Medical College and the Kanbar College of Design, Engineering and Commerce, is a preeminent university delivering high-impact education in over 200 undergraduate and graduate programs offered to 8,400 students in architecture, business, design, engineering, fashion and textiles, health, medicine, science and social science. Jefferson is re-defining the higher education value proposition with an approach that is collaborative and active; increasingly global; integrated with industry; focused on research across disciplines to foster innovation and discovery; and technology-enhanced. Student-athletes compete as the Jefferson Rams in the NCAA Division II Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference.