84th Annual Jefferson Dad Vail Regatta Program Book

PARA RACING AT DAD VAIL B Y T A Y L O R R O B E R T S When I think about the 84th running of the Jef ferson Dad Vai l Regatta, one word comes to mind—change. Every May, crews gather f rom around the country to celebrate and test a culminat ion of thei r hard work by leaving i t al l on the l ine at the start blocks . However , whi le the spi r i t of Dad Vai l remains an unchangeable constant , we commence this year ’ s race wi th a new host state, a new r iver , a new course, and an abundance of potent ial. As the organizing commi ttee cont inues to foster a more compet i t ive and equi table racing envi ronment for para athletes , what dist inguishes this pursui t is thei r unwaver ing commi tment to incorporat ing these events into the team points structure. By pr ior i t izing these races alongside every other event on the schedule, they not only operate wi th the intent ion of cul t ivat ing greater sport equal i ty for col legiate rowers of al l abi l i t ies , but also wi th the goal of mot ivat ing coaches to make thei r programs more inclusive. This is what makes Dad Vai l remarkable. As each season ushers in a new cohort of para athletes , the Jef ferson Dad Vai l is steadfast in thei r support of growing this integral part of the sport , especial ly in spi te of the barr iers that make developing a pipel ine chal lenging. As the organizing commi ttee cont inues to blaze a trai l for inclusive racing opportuni t ies at the col legiate level , they remain dedicated to making these events , whether i t be on the Schuylki l l or the Cooper River , compet i t ive and accessible for al l . -- TheWinds o f Change